Saturday, August 8, 2009

Geek vs. Nerd

Wow, over a year, I'm totally lame. . . here's a quick tidbit of important information and then I'll see if I can't get back to a regularly scheduled program.

Some of you know me pretty well, and you know how I feel about this. Others may need a little illumination, if only so that they don't say the wrong thing to someone else down the line. Please, pay attention because I'm only gonna post this once.

Let me explain. . . No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

I am not a Nerd. I am, in fact, a Geek.

Yes, there is a difference.

A Geek is of the popular arts culture. Comic books, science fiction movies/trilogies/tv shows. Many of us affiliate ourselves with subgroups like 'Trekkies' or 'Browncoats'. We know what Z Day is and we are probably preparing for it. I am a Geek, don't ask me to rebuild your computer.

A Nerd is of the technical flare. Hyperlinks and drives and tiny computer chip tools. Nerds win science fairs and compete in robotics competitions. They know what PC Loadletter means and they laughed their asses off when Michael broke the copier in Office Space. These are Nerds, don't ask them who Laura Kinney is in the Marvel Universe.

Yes, some Geeks are also Nerds and some Nerds are also Geeks. Since Geeks are fond of MMORPGs the lines have blurred; you have to know what a LAN Party is before you can have one, so adding points to your technical skill is inevitable.

Repeat after me - Geeks read comics and Nerds build robots.

There are a lot of people out there who don't know the difference. I'm counting on all of you to help stop the ignorance.

Also, if you caught that I quoted Inigo Montoya. You have a little Geek in you. Be proud!
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